The aim of Steps Ahead Care & Support is to enable the people we support to live as independently as possible. We tailor packages of care and support to meet the clients’ individual requirements, this could be for 24 hours a day or a few hours each week.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, it's important that step is in the right direction"
Initial Assessment of Need
After our initial contact, the first step for us in developing your new bespoke support package would be for a care manager to spend time getting to know you and completing an Initial Assessment of Need. Whether this is from your own home, a rehabilitation unit, hospital or other setting within the UK, we will adapt to meet your requirements.
It is important to us that a Care Manager spends as much time as required with you and the people you choose to discuss your individual requirements. This will ensure we capture all the relevant information to enable us to tailor a support package to suit your individual needs, goals and aspirations, whether you require as little as 4 hours of support a week or 24 hours of support per day.
Care & Support Plan
Steps Ahead Care & Support is committed to working with each client, their relatives, existing support team and the multi-disciplinary team, all of whom will be involved in identifying, implementing and reviewing a personal care and support plan. The care and support plan will reflect your individual needs and the means to deliver the highest quality care and support. This is a working document and will be regularly reviewed in line with your development and discussed with all those involved to ensure that it is relevant to your current needs. This will enable us to adapt the service we provide to you, to ensure it is delivered to the best possible standard, with your wishes and values always listened to.
We will support you to reach your personal goals and aspirations, ensuring that you are able to make informed choices concerning all aspects of your life. We will work with you to facilitate a community-based rehabilitation programme working with relevant therapists to safely reduce the level of support required and increase confidence and independence.

Bespoke Recruitment
We have a safe, robust and tailored recruitment process which is always followed when building your team. One of the most important things to us is that we work closely with you to recruit and develop a bespoke and committed team, who are able to deliver the level of support you require. We always take into consideration your individual personality, interests, rehabilitation goals, and ensure that you and your support workers have common ground to build upon, to develop a professional working rapport.
Before commencing work with Steps Ahead Care & Support, all staff must meet our minimum requirements in regard to experience, training and of course safety checks. We will always embark our staff on extra training courses more specialised to your support, as this will enable them to support you to reach your full potential.
If you are interested in considering Steps Ahead Care & Support as an addition or alternative to your current provider please contact our professional, friendly and experienced team at our Head Office on 01752 547257 or email
Designated Care Management Team
As part of the service provided by Steps Ahead Care & Support, you will have support from your Care Management Team from our Head Office.
A Care Coordinator & Care Manager will be in regular contact via your preferred means of communication and will make regular visits at times that are suitable to you. Your Care Coordinator will be responsible for adapting and monitoring your daily progress reports, so we are able to capture the progress you make whilst being supported by Steps Ahead Care & Support. An important part of the service we provide to you, is that they will liaise with you and your professional team to assist in the organisation of your meetings and appointments. Our support team are always available to support you to different therapy appointments, such as hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, and/or hospital appointments - our Care Coordinators will ensure the right person for you is scheduled during these times.
Your Care Manager will always attend frequent team meetings with the multi-disciplinary team to review your package of support and contribute to your rehabilitation model. They will conduct a full review of your support plan every 6 months or sooner if required, to monitor and promote your progression. We always work in collaboration with a variety of professionals, such as Case Managers, Occupational Therapists and Social Workers to really encapsulate your support needs.
We provide a 24-hour on call service which operates 365 days a year, this is operated by one of our experienced and friendly team members who will be abreast of your support requirements.
Promoting Your Independence
Our main aim at Steps Ahead Care & Support is to promote your independence by empowering you to reach your full potential. We understand that everyone's goals are different, and regardless of how small or large they may seem, everyone's goals are considered with the same importance and we will work with all involved to help you achieve and celebrate these.
It is imperative that to enable you to achieve your goals, that you receive continuity of support. This not only helps in building positive and trusting working relationships, but also ensures that the strategies that have been implemented as part of your rehabilitation goals can be followed consistently, support staff can then monitor developments and feedback to the therapy team to further develop strategies and goals.
Our goal is to safely reduce the level of support we provide, this will be assessed and phased at your pace to ensure that you have the confidence and strategies in place to be independent and safe in the planned goal. We will ensure repetition in how support is delivered to further support independence, whether this is in your personal care routine, meal prep, or taking exactly the same route on a journey, it is imperative that all the team work in exactly the same way.
We always look at various ways we can safely reduce the level of support, and we are proud to say we have been successful on many occasions. Some examples are introducing assistive technology, which is linked to our 24 on-call service. This ensured the client was safe and had the confidence for us to cease overnight support, and also gave them the freedom of having valuable time without support. Another example is sending text reminders to a client as a reminder to take medication, who then texts back a confirmation, many trials are taken place to ensure that this is a safe way of working before implementation.
It is important that our clients feel valued, listened to and have someone they know to talk to regarding their support. Every client who uses our service will have a designated Care Manager and Care Coordinator, who will work alongside them, the support team and their therapy team, this will ensure that professional working relationships can be developed, and consistency and thorough communication is maintained.
We support and encourage the people we support to make informed choices and decisions regarding further education and suitable employment, we have successfully supported clients through University and both voluntary and paid employment.