About Us
The aim of Steps Ahead Care & Support is to enable the people we support to live as independently as possible. We tailor packages of care and support to meet the clients’ individual requirements, this could be for 24 hours a day or a few hours each week. We also provide high calibre support staff to registered organisations to compliment your existing team at a moments notice. We are an established company with a proven track record of offering excellent care and support to our clients.

Our Ethos
Steps Ahead Care & Support will deliver a care and support service of excellence, where compromise is never an option.
One of our main aims is to promote independence and to safely reduce the level of input we provide. We do this in a structured, progressive and safe way, which is always guided by clients and their ability.
We work with clients to enable them to achieve their individual goals and aspirations, regardless of how big or small each goal is deemed, we will always treat and celebrate every goal with equal importance.
Our staff are our biggest asset and each and every one of them is valued, and all their achievements are recognised.
We work collaboratively and will always work in an innovative way to ensure people always achieve the very best outcome.
Everyone is welcomed, valued, treated equally and with respect, and we always take time to listen and acknowledge peoples thoughts and feelings.
We welcome feedback from all, this enables us to continually develop and ensure that we continue to deliver an OUTSTANDING service.

Care Quality Commission
We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission, who are the independent regulator for all health and social care services within England. They ensure that all health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care.
We are proud to say that within our last two inspections, which were carried out in 2015 and 2018, we received an Outstanding status which is only held by 4% of all adult social care providers. Head to the link below to read our most recent report, where you can find out more about our services and what we continue to do to achieve outstanding - https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-110439732
What Our Staff Say
Our staff are our biggest asset, which is why we work hard to ensure that they are always appreciated, feel valued and are working to the best of their ability.
Here are a few testimonials from our incredible team -
"Working for Steps Ahead now for four months has been an absolute pleasure, I have found everyone to be extremely friendly and polite and nothing is ever an issue. Steps Ahead have to this date always been very supportive and responsive when requiring any support, personal or work related. I have worked for other companies in the past for a number of years and have never been shown as much appreciation for the work in which I do. I work with one client who suffers from dementia, on the rare occasion we may have had a bad day due to confusion but for the majority of the time we have good days very good days actually. By taking the time to get to know your client, likes dislikes, triggers and enjoyments you soon identify a pattern and, on most occasions, can plan and prepare your support. It is very repetitive but most of all rewarding to know that you have helped your client through the day and stopped that feeling of confusion, upset and loneliness. I believe that we make a difference in everything that we do for our clients. Commitment, perseverance and dedication are key to being the positive in a client care package."
- K.M
"I have been with Steps Ahead for four years in April which says it all. I have never stayed with any other care company more than one year but Steps Ahead are perfect. They’ve got good principles and morals towards staff and clients. All staff are approachable, and I feel comfortable taking any problem to any office staff including the manager which I feel is rare. I am 100% loyal to Steps and feel they are loyal to me and my needs professional and personal. I cannot praise this company enough. If you are thinking about working for Steps, then go for it. I have quite high standards and have never been let down by them."
- Laura
"From transitioning from a care home to community-based care, Steps Ahead have provided me with all the tools and relevant training that I needed. I really enjoy working in a variety of different roles and seeing people develop in their support, it's much more interesting and rewarding being able to spend more time with the clients out and about. The office staff are always understanding, helpful and lovely!"
- Shirley

Mindful Employer
Established in 2004, Mindful Employer is a UK wide initiative run by Devon Partnership NHS Trust. Providing employers with easier access to professional Workplace Mental Health training, information and support, the initiative aims to help empower employers to take a lead in supporting the mental wellbeing of their staff. By signing the ‘Charter for Employer Positive About Mental Health’, Steps Ahead Care & Support have made a public statement of our desire to support the mental health of our staff across the organisation.
Last year, we had a discussion with our CQC inspector who encouraged us to sign up to the Mindful Employer Charter, because of our dedication to looking after the wellbeing of our workforce (particularly during COVID).
Following a tragic incident that one of our staff teams encountered last summer, we introduced Matt to our team - a TRiM Practitioner. Here are some details of what TRiM entails -
TRiM is a trauma-focused peer support system designed to help people who have experienced a traumatic, or potentially traumatic event. It’s a discrete, non-therapeutic way to support people and offer confidential advice through a 3-step system which is used widely within the UK Armed Forces. Each team or individual is given an assessment and guidance, which is then given to the organisations' management team so that they can support their employees in the best way possible. The process builds a healthy relationship between resilience at work and mental health awareness, and demonstrates a duty of care to all employees within Steps Ahead Care & Support.
Since then, Matt has been working as and when required, to offer additional support to our team and to conduct structured risk assessments which will aid towards facilitating any further specialist help that our staff may require. The introduction of Matt to our team was one of the key factors which encouraged us to join the charter.
After our discussion with CQC, we researched more into the charter and have since signed up to the Mindful Employer Plus. This gives our employees access to various confidential help and advice lines, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.